Fleur de Lis
Where do I start? The fleur de lis seems like an endless discussion when it comes to it's history and symbolism throughout world history.
Let me begin with what it means to me, personally, as a New Orleanian and "Katrina Survivor" at age 15. In 1967, the fleur de lis was adopted as the New Orleans Saints logo and has become almost synonymous with representing the Crescent City. After Katrina, however, it became a much more powerful symbol. As our community mourned from the devastation, the fleur de lis became a symbol of rebirth and with that comes strong feelings of faith. Faith was the theme in the aftermath of the storm - faith in unity, faith in our community, faith in the future and in one another.
Keep in mind the intention of the numerology I used when designing the Cali Amulet Collection. The fleur de lis as a trinity - there are three components unified through the center band. I paid close attention to these fine details. What makes it the Cali Amulet is that the fleur de lis used is my logo - which is the fleur de lis with two "C's" representing my name. Keep in mind, the letter "C" is the 3rd letter in the alphabet. The symbol is repeated 4 times. 3 x 4 = 12. Twelve is a very special number according to numerology definitions:
The number 12 is made up of two numbers, 1 and 2. 1 is a prime number and signifies the beginning and the singular nature of the universe. It is also related to completion, perfection, harmony, motivation, achievement and independence. 2, on the other hand, is all about seeing two sides of any situation, diplomacy, partnership and the mutable nature of life. (Numerologysecrets.net)
Furthermore, when the 4 fleur de lis come together in this mirrored shape, it created the sign of the cross. Ever since I read channeler Barbara Marciniack's book Path of Empowerment, I never saw crosses the same again. Her ancient knowledge beind the cross design's true meaning goes as follows:
The sign of the cross, or two intersecting straight lines, is an ancient multilayered symbol that was originally used in very ancient times as a locator point, and as a sign for representing the sun and stars. The cross was a symbol for other meanings as well: it signified "where the spirit meets matter," or where the sky appeared to meet the Earth at the horizon to form a cosmic cross. (The vertical line represents the spirit world (ascension and transcendence) and the horizontal line represents earth (the physical plane)). In ancient times the atmosphere, or ether, was always symbolically positioned in the center of the cross; the ether was filled with cosmic life-force energy, and where the lines joined, the abundance of vitality opened portals to other dimensions of reality. (p.227-228).
Now, historically speaking, the fleur de lis has it's own rich history. Here's a fabulous explanation from the book The Secrets of the Universe in 100 Symbols by Sarah Bartlett:
The Iris flower got its name from the Greek goddess Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, the bridge between heaven and Earth, mortality and immortality. Iris was a messenger on Mount Olympus, but she also led mortal souls to the Elysian Fields. In ancient Greece, men would often plant an iris on the grave of their beloved as a tribute to the goddess, in hope that Iris would take the deceased across the dangerous landscape of the underworld and lead them to eternal bliss. As a sacred flower, the iris was credited with healing powers and was used in ancient Greek medicine. By the first century CE, the Greek physical Dioscorides recommended iris root drunk with honey, vinegar, or wine for coughs, colds, indigestion, and sciatica.
Most scholars concur that the association of the fleur de lis with French kings started with the crowing of Clovis I in 496 CE; when he converted to Christianity, iris oil was allegedly used in his baptism. Legend tells how an angel descended with a vial of the fleur de lis oil to anoint the king and since then it has always been considered a symbol of divine purity. (p.40-41).