Why You Should EMBRACE Friday the 13th
If you haven't realized it by now, allow me to be the first to inform you that today is Friday the 13th.
Have you had a good day so far?
Well, you must be, because you're alive and that's a great start.
Have you been feeling challenged lately... to the point where you have had to make a series of decisions that really question your outlook on life? Or maybe you are questioning who you really are?
Are you 100% certain that you are living your life the way you really want?
Are you genuinely happy when you wake up everyday?
Does your life look the way you thought or hoped it would look like a years ago?
Are you expressing your creative talents and abilities with the world?
Have you fully discovered all of them?
Is this all there is?
What are you looking forward to in life?
Do you ever question why you're here?
Do you ever feel hopeless in humanity?
Are you confident about the way you are living your life?
Are you operating from your fullest potential?
Why am I asking all of these questions?
Well, do you ever ask yourself these questions?
How often do you question if you're really happy?
If you are easily frustrated, that's a sign that you are so overwhelmed with stress, pressure, and responsibilities that you're constantly on guard, resisting or fighting back the pressures at be to in order to keep yourself in a temporarily sane place.
The question is, is it working?
Are you living your life, investing your life-force energy into things that are making your life better in some way? Are the people you regularly surround yourself supporting you or criticizing your every move?
Back to reality. It's STILL Friday the 13th ✨
So this is where Numerology comes in. For those of you who have no idea what that is, just remember: as above, so below.
If we speak negative things, the words hurt. If we do negative things, the actions hurt. If we live the majority of our lives in a lass than loving way towards ourselves, we suffer. Literally.
The pendulum swings. It's the law of energy. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. We are energy. Whether you use your energy to channel love or the boiled up pressure of anger within you is completely up to you. You decide.
Everything is energy ✨... the only difference is the frequency at which something vibrates.
Numerology is a field of study that dives deep into the meanings of numbers based on a vibration they emit.
The number 13 is a number which symbolizes death, transformation and rebirth.
"This symbol suggests reproduction and rebirth, not necessarily literally into this world, but rather a rebirth of the consciousness into higher planes." (Javine, 158)
"Under a 13 you can expect the changes that will bring an end to conditions that no loner serve as a useful purpose in your evolutionary scheme. Any rigid thought patterns must be altered and crystalized ideas must be shattered. Only through death of present circumstance can you be released - freed to open the door for progress." (Javine 157)
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DEATH: The 13th Tarot Card The Death card shows Death himself riding on a white horse, holding a black and white flag. Death is portrayed as a skeleton as the skeletal bones are the part of the body that survives death. The armour he is wearing indicates that he is invincible and unconquerable. Indeed, no-one has yet triumphed over death. The horse that Death rides is white, the colour of purity. Death is therefore the ultimate purifier. All things are reborn fresh, new and pure. Notice even the bishop paying homage to him. All sectors of the human race are represented here – men, women and children – showing that Death does not discern between age, race or gender. |
Are you ready to shed a version of yourself that no longer serves you?
How long are we going to continue to live our lives without growing? If you are suppressing your own growth, how do are you expecting your life circumstances to change? The problem is, we do this without even realizing we're doing it to ourselves.
It is our duty to question, for without questioning comes no understanding and without understanding, how can we truly accept anything? Are you accepting whatever comes your way unconsciously, or do you know in your heart that what you are accepting in your life is serving you for the better.
Remember, as above so below. The number 13 vibration is granting an opportunity for us to take action and let go of anything in our lives which is either actively keeping us from growing into our full potential or not doing us any good period.
NOW is the time to make tough decisions.
The sooner the better. You can either deal with it now, or wait and things could get worse, and still deal with it later.
In this short 1-minute interview, Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski explains how lobsters may be smarter than us, when it comes to dealing with stress.
Make room in your life for only what truly makes you happy and is serving your spiritual evolution, true happiness and self-completion.
This could mean breaking "friendships" with people who say they're your friend, but they're really not. These are the people who will not support your growth, because deep down inside, they know if you elevate you'll leave them behind. These are the people that flake out on you regularly and make excuses... let them go. Trust me, it's their loss.
If you're constantly feeling really unhappy at work and you feel unfulfilled, your spirit is crying out for change. If someone in your family regularly disrespects you, don't think you have no options. If you feel incapable of experiencing a continuous state happiness, something is out of balance. If there is anything keeping you from fulling your dreams, clearly, something is blocking you!
Choosing not to do anything about your unhappiness is also a choice.
So ask yourself, what has to change in your life to eliminate that which is no longer serving you? What are you holding on to? What can you let go of today to allow more freedom and create the space for more of what you want?
I hope you always choose happiness. I hope you never settle for less. I hope you know I believe in the power of love, and if you love yourself consistently to give yourself the best life, you can do anything.
Cristy Cali